GarageBand for Mac – From Idea to Final Mastering:
A Step by Step Guide to Produce an Original Song until its Release

Color Edition:

Black and White Edition :

GarageBand From idea to final mastering

Compatible with all versions of GarageBand 10, with Downloadable Projects to follow the illustrated steps in the book.
There are both projects created with the latest release of GarageBand, to be executed with the Monterey operating system (12.3), and projects created with GarageBand 10.2.0, to be executed on “historic and stoic” Macs with an operating system from El Capitan ( macOS 10.11.6) and later.
No user of GarageBand 10, of any version, will be left behind.

01 Getting Ready for the Adventure
02 Discovering GarageBand
03 Starting to Produce Our Unreleased Song
04 Use the Chisel
05 Exploring and Creating Sounds
06 Drums and Drum Machines
07 MIDI Recording
08 MIDI Editing
09 Audio Recording
10 Creating the Lyrics and the Vocal Line
11 Audio Editing
12 Tempo and Arrangement Editing
13 The Mix – First Part: Balance
14 The Mix – Second Part: Automations
15 Mastering and Publishing

GarageBand allows you to be, or become, a Producer !
You only need to feel like playing.

With this manual you will create an original song from scratch touching on all the production stages:
from pre-production to drafting the piece
from the Vocal Line to Intonation
from Recording to Editing
from Midi to Sound Design
from Mix to Mastering… to the Release

Illustrated steps will show you in a PRACTICAL way, hands on the mouse, how to produce a song from scratch, and you will also be taught how to avoid the most common mistakes.
You’ll learn to produce by producing!

Do you know the demo buttons, the demos of keyboards sold in music stores or supermarkets?
I always press them to understand what I can achieve with that particular model. They let you hear wonderful performances of harmonious sounds and rhythms. It’s a pity that once I get home, the keyboard remains a Cinderella dressed in rags, with completely aseptic rhythms and sounds, making me feel partly inadequate, and partly fooled!
I don’t want to “catch” you, or make you feel fooled!
Over the next pages, we’re going to create a song together, from the beginning to the end, with hundreds of illustrated steps.
I’m going to walk you through it with simple words, easily, the way I wish someone would have explained it to me…

GarageBand is music!
Music can be a hobby.
Music can be a toy.
Music can be a work…
And with GarageBand
Music can be you too !!!